I am and have been involved in a number of programming projects. Most of them are written in Perl and were developed on Unix. (Much of this code was written when I was younger and not as seasoned a programmer as I am now)
- PSMail is an email system I wrote (and use)
- Temple is a templating system
- POUND is the blog/wiki software I wrote and use. It requires mod_perl and postgres. 29Nov2008 Snapshot
- Libra is a simple (book) lending-library inventory system
- MoLD was a roguelike I started work on several years ago. It's not presently maintained.
- TOME is an angband variant I contributed to several years ago. It's still maintained by its primary developer.
- Some sample code I wrote a long time ago on Perlmonks demonstrating database and perl-CGI concepts (If I were doing it again today, it'd probably be cleaner yet)
- shem - nslookup/whois/traceroute all wrapped into one tool to help you learn more about a given IP Address/Hostname. here.
- adder - Adder adds numbers you pass to it. here.
- transrename - Rename a bunch of files via a Perl regex. here.
- smart - Frontend to CL media players. here.
- wrapid3 - Wrapper to id3v2 and vorbiscomment, handles directories toohere.
- Cursorer - *Broken* Cursorer is an early attempt I made to understand Xlib well enough to do nifty things with cursors. It's in C. Unfortunately, all it currently can do is restore the default X Cursor, and won't load new cursors yet. Maybe sometime I'll go back and play with it some more.
Cursorer is available here
- DNS_Toggle - A little script, designed to be run setuid, that'll disable or enable DNS. It's nice for laptops if you're running applications like Netscape that do blocking DNS calls
DNS_Toggle is available here
- Little Perl feature tests - When I learn about a new feature of Perl that I'd like to use, often I write a little program in order to make sure I understand the feature properly. These tests also help me remember the specifics of the features should I forget.
My Feature tests are available here
- rpmcheck - Verifies each RPM on your system, drops logs into seperate files for later examination. This is essentially a fancy wrapper for rpm's --check feature.
rpmcheck is available here
- wmwrap - Some apps don't behave nicely when launched by .xinitrc without being launched *AFTER* the window manager. wmwrap is a little C program that handles these situations nicely by acting as a wrapper to your window manager.
wmwrap is available here
- lc - Lowercases every file you mention to it. Fast and simple. Useful if you deal with people running an OS with stupid naming conventions.
lc is available here
- netdiary - Some basic code for maintaining a net diary. Fairly simple, you'll probably want to tweak it a bit to meet your needs (e.g. to have it actually ftp/scp the netdiary to your website or whatever). This is actually an ancient version of POUND.
netdiary is available here
- netradio - An extremely simple frontend to mpg123. Reads a ~/.radio file full of http URLs, and randomly selects one, passing it to mpg123. Handles a few of mpg123's rough edges to make it play nicer for this purpose. It's embarassingly simple, and I probably should try to make it nicer. It's available here
- A hopfield implementation - Implements a simple, fixed-size hopfield network in perl. Probably could be written better -- I wrote it when I was a student, for an AI class. I can see that my Perl style has improved a lot since then. It's available here
- Beginnings of a Unix shell for MacPerl - Before Unix ran properly on my iBook, I was stuck with MacOS 8.6. I thus was beginning to write a program in MacPerl that would pretend to be a Unix shell, having basic file management commands built-in. Before it really became very useful, someone got Linux to work on iBook. Here's the code, as I last edited it. It's definitely a toy, and was written when my Perl wasn't that great. Enjoy. Available here
- Tablegen - A small script that makes HTML tables from input files in a simple format. Eventually might mutate into a graphical editor. Available here
- unlock - Unlocks all files under the current directory on OSX. here.