set nocompatible set showcmd set backspace=0 set noautoindent set nocindent set showmatch set noruler set nohlsearch set textwidth=0 set wm=0 set wildmode=longest,list map q map $ map! $ map 0 map! 0 map d$ map! d$ map :w map! :w map :q map! :q map :wq map! :wq map isub myfunction($;)^M{^Mmy($arg) = @_;^Mmy $returner;^M^Mreturn $returner;^M}^M^M map! isub myfunction($;)^M{^Mmy($arg) = @_;^Mmy $returner;^M^Mreturn $returner;^M}^M^M map :,$d map! :,$d map :s/^[ \t]*// map! :s/^[ \t]*// map :runtime! syntax/2html.vim map! :runtime! syntax/2html.vim map :, perld s/\"/\\"/g:, perld s/(.*)/out.println("\1");/ :, perld s/<%=([^%]+)%>/\" + \1 + \"/g :, perld s/(<%)(.*)/\1\2 \/\/ Revisit this later/; map! :, perld s/\"/\\"/g:, perld s/(.*)/out.println("\1");/ :, perld s/<%=([^%]+)%>/\" + \1 + \"/g :, perld s/(<%)(.*)/\1\2 \/\/ Revisit this later/; set go=agimrt set ff=unix set binary " vi -> disable some stuff if v:progname !~ '^vi$' autocmd FileType text setlocal noindent syntax on endif set viminfo= highlight NonText guibg= grey10 highlight Normal guifg= grey90 highlight Normal guibg= black highlight Cursor guibg= grey40 guifg=NONE highlight Folded term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=3 ctermbg=0 guifg=Yellow guibg=grey10 " Disable the bloody bell set vb t_vb= " map i^I^I " Folds stuff " au BufWinLeave * mkview " au BufWinEnter * silent loadview set foldmethod=syntax let perl_fold = 1 " set nowrap " set number " set list " Avoid auto-continuation of comments in Perl au FileType perl,pl setlocal formatoptions-=r " Make autocomplete more bashlike, add a visual menu for selection set wildmode=longest:full set wildmenu